Jesus and the drunken miracles

There was once a barman who was very devout and loved Jesus. He decided to hang a crucifix in his bar, hoping to bless his customers and his business. One night, a group of drunkards came into his bar and started to cause trouble. They cursed, fought, and spilled their drinks all over the place. The barman was very distressed and prayed to Jesus for help.

Suddenly, he noticed that the crucifix on the wall was glowing with a bright light. He felt a surge of faith and courage in his heart. He walked up to the drunkards and said, “Friends, why do you act this way? Don’t you know that Jesus loves you and wants you to be happy? Look at this crucifix and see how he died for your sins. He can forgive you and heal you if you repent and believe in him.”

The drunkards were stunned by the barman’s words and the glowing crucifix. They felt a pang of guilt and remorse in their souls. They dropped their bottles and glasses and fell on their knees. They cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us! We are sorry for our sins! Please save us and change us!”

The barman was overjoyed and hugged them. He said, “Praise the Lord! He has heard your prayers and performed a miracle in your lives! Come, let me give you some water to drink and some bread to eat. You are now my brothers in Christ.”

The other customers in the bar witnessed this scene and were amazed. They also felt a touch of grace in their hearts. They came closer to the crucifix and thanked Jesus for his love and power. They also asked the barman to share more about his faith and how they could follow Jesus.

The barman was happy to oblige. He told them about the gospel and how Jesus had changed his life. He invited them to join him in prayer and worship. He also offered them free drinks and snacks, saying that he wanted to celebrate the joy of salvation with them.

From that night on, the barman’s bar became a place of peace and harmony. Many people came to see the crucifix and hear the barman’s testimony. Many of them also accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The barman’s business prospered and he gave generously to the poor and needy. He also started a small church in his bar, where he preached the word of God and served the sacraments.

He always thanked Jesus for the miracle he had done in his bar, saying, “Lord, you are the true Barman who turns water into wine, sorrow into joy, sinners into saints. You are the Light of the world who shines in the darkness. You are the King of kings who reigns in my heart. To you be all glory and honor forever. Amen.”

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